Monday, January 27, 2020

Deforestation Essay Effects of De-forestation

Deforestation Essay Effects of De-forestation The word deforestation is used to describe the process of cutting down and burning the trees in forest and woodland and converting the land to other use. It also means that the nature of trees have changed, such as replacing slow growing native trees with fast growing woods which means that the precious eco-system of the forest into less bio-diverse ecosystems such as pasture, cropland, plantations and removal of rainforest. Forests still cover about 30 percent of the Earths surface, but each year about 13 million hecters of forest (approximately 78,000square miles) are converted to agricultural land or cleared for other purposes. There are two key issues that surround deforestation. Trees absorb CO2, helping to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon is one of the key causes of global warming and reducing these gases will help to slow and stop the greenouse effect. The other issue is that trees are often cleared and burned. The wood from the trees is simply destroyed and not put to any positive use. The burning of the wood releases carbon into the atmosphere, and releasing harmful greenhouse gases, yet reducing the number of trees that would have helped to remove this from the atmosphere. It also contributes to global warming tropical deforestation for about 20 percent of all greenhouse gases and has an important impact on the global economy. Rainforest Action Network (RAN) campaigns for the forests, their inhabitants and the natural systems that sustain life by transforming the global marketplace through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action. RAN estimates that 90 percent of the rainforest is already gone. Causes of Deforestation. Some of the most common causes of deforestation are globalization, urbanization, overpopulation and climate. Trees are being cut down for construction purpose, lands are cleared for growing crops and trees are also used as firewood. Globalization in many countries has lead to deforestation as many industries and factories are build which emit carbon dioxide which affect the trees and forest. India and china are a big example. China being a big market for producing and supplying many products in various parts of the world for which trees and forest are used to produce product. Urbanization also leads to deforestation as the country develops the cutting down of trees for the use of building materials, furniture, paper products and material used for highway and roads. Forests are also cleared in order to accommodate expanding urban areas. They are cut down in order to create land for grazing cattle and for growing crops. Trees are also cut down in developing countries to be used as firewood or turned into charcoal, which are used for cooking and heating purposes. Overpopulation also causes an increase in population also means an increase in produce consumption for which the trees are being destroyed. The basic needs being shelter and food are given with the help of forests for which an optimum amount of consumption and production is needed. Overpopulation in countries like China and India are a result where deforestation rate is higher than comparative countries. Climate is also one factor for deforestation mainly acid rain. Climate not only affect the people but also trees, roads and small plants. Trees are also harmed by acid rain. Scientists say that acid rain damages the waxy outer coating that protects the leaves. When this happens, it allows the acid to seep into the tree. Instead of water changing from a liquid to a gas inside the leaves, gas is taking the place of the water. This prevents the plant from taking in carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis, and the plant eventually dies. Global warming is another factor as the temperature increases than the average temperature which affects the plants growth or soil growth. Effects of Deforestation. The effects of deforestation are mainly causing our environment worse, such as soil erosion, biodiversity impacts and social effects. Soil Erosion Immediate effects of deforestation include the washing away of soil in the  monsoon  season. This is because trees are no longer anchoring and binding the soil and so mud slides take place. The earth is leached of minerals by the large amounts of water. The lack of vegetation also means that there will be very few animals in the area. Most of nutrients are stored in the vegetation and the trees, so if these factors getting bad cycle, our eco-system will be destroyed. Once the tree and plant are cut down, essential nutrients separate easily and are washed out by rainfall. Thus, we would lose the nutrients for our body needs for daily life. If the soil gets dries and cracks under the suns heat without the shade of the trees, we cant grow any plants since its lost the soil elements. According to the statistics, nearly 80% of tropical forest soil is now infertile, and they will cause more and more bad eco-system which will effects the animals who live there and their habitats. It may change their genetic as well. Biodiversity Although tropical forests cover only about 7 percent of the Earths dry land, they probably harbor about half of all species on Earth. Many species are so specialized to microhabitats within the forest that they can only be found in small areas. Their specialization makes them vulnerable to extinction. In addition to the species lost when an area is totally deforested, the plants and animals in the fragments of forest that remain also become increasingly vulnerable, sometimes even committed, to extinction. The edges of the fragments dry out and are buffeted by hot winds; mature rainforest trees often die standing at the margins. Cascading changes in the types of trees, plants, and insects that can survive in the fragments rapidly reduces biodiversity in the forest that remains. People may disagree about whether the extinction of other species through human action is an ethical issue, but there is little doubt about the practical problems that extinction poses. First, global markets co nsume rainforest products that depend on sustainable harvesting: latex, cork, fruit, nuts, timber, fibers, spices, natural oils and resins, and medicines. In addition, the genetic diversity of tropical forests is basically the deepest end of the planetary gene pool. Hidden in the genes of plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria that have not even been discovered yet may be cures for cancer and other diseases or the key to improving the yield and nutritional quality of foods-which the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization says will be crucial for feeding the nearly ten billion people the Earth will likely need to support in coming decades. Finally, genetic diversity in the planetary gene pool is crucial for the resilience of all life on Earth to rare but catastrophic environmental events, such as meteor impacts or massive, sustained volcanism. Social Effects of Deforestation. Deforestation has so many social effects on our society its impact not only affects us humans but also plants, animals and the surrounding environment. Deforestation causes and forces the surrounding to adapt in order to survive such difficult situations. Indigenous people who consider the forests, as their primary habitats are rendered homeless when forests are depleted; we have seen the rise of this in mostly undeveloped areas where we have so many people using the forest as their primary habitat. The people living in this areas are forced to move while their surroundings are being altered. The cutting down of forest trees forces the people living around such areas to move and seek shelter elsewhere. People and Animals who live in the rainforest areas depend on their natural environment; People living in these areas close to the forest usually depend on their natural environment for basic things like food, shelter, water etc. Cutting down the trees in those areas usually have a tendency to affect all the living things surrounding those areas. Forcing all living things to migrate and look for another conducive atmosphere. Social conflicts and struggles over land and other recourses; Usually as a result of lost of lands the people living there have to migrate to other places in search of land and resources and most of the time it usually leads to conflicts. Everyone will be fighting to own the most conducive atmosphere to live in. The little resources left will be fought over. Overview Of Worldwide Deforestation. Every day hundred thousands of trees are cut down all over the world to use the timber as a major source of fuel, building material, and paper products. Urbanization has forced man to acquire huge forest areas. As population grows, the need for agricultural land has also increased over the years. Deforestation has so many negative consequences on the environment. One of the most immediate effects is the loss of habitat of many species of animals. Thus, deforestation can alter the earths biodiversity making a lot or rare species even more extinct. Deforestation also plays a major role in global warming and its also responsible to the contribution of up to 20 percent of the total greenhouse gases emitted. Trees play a major role in absorbing most of the green house gases like carbon dioxide. As lots of trees are cut down, the concentration of the green houses gases in the atmosphere increases, thus increasing the temperature of the earth. Another direct consequence of deforestation is Increased soil erosion, this can also lead to unnatural floods and droughts. Clearing forests can disrupt the normal water flow thus causing abnormal floods and droughts. Plants absorb water through roots that are then released into the atmosphere, which forms clouds and rains. Statistic. A basic statistic showing the population growth as population grows so does the rise and demand of more forests to be cut down and this leads to deforestation. This is a break down of land area per sq. km 2002 / 2008. Solution to Deforestation. Reforestation: In most parts of the world due to public awareness there have been new development that enforces reforestation and we have seen some major changes especially in countries around Asia. Legislation: Due to new laws and regulations passed we have also seen a huge developments new trees have been planted and old trees are not allowed to be cut down. If this continues there might be a chance to stop deforestation and reverse the whole process completely. Wildlife Sanctuaries: Sanctuaries are very important, not only to save wildlife, but to save trees as well. Sanctuaries go a long way in protecting all wildlife. Cities: All cities, let alone new cities, have to be managed properly. The new projects need to be controlled and planned accordingly making sure new trees are planted in the process. Commercial Forest Plantations: There can be special forest plantations for all the wood that is needed for the industry. This way the wood can be cut in a controlled and regulated environment. Water Management: Improper water management affects deforestation in a big way. If the wildlife doesnt have water, then the entire ecosystem will falter. The construction of new dams should be planned properly, so that any one area isnt deprived of water, and the other area has abundance of it. The Tree Of Hope. Haiti is one of the developing countries and nearly 70 percent of the Haitians depend on agricultural sector.Extreme soil erosion and deforestation mean that Haitis environment is one of the most devastated in the world. Only 30 percent of the land is suitable for cultivation, with the result that the majority of the rural population have anxious struggle for survial. Forests used to cover over nine tenths of Haiti: now only 1-2 per cent remains densely forested. Artist Relief Funds took the initiative to restore Haitis forest and educate local community about the overwhelming effect of deforestation on the land and the economy.  The project involves working in deforested areas with local residents in Haiti, farmers who are promoting economic sustainable development in the region through reforestation, environmental education, and wetland restoration. There is some hope. Projects with solar-powered ovens reduce the need to cut the trees for fuel. Crops best suited for poorer soils is being introduced. People are being educated that how deforestation leads to environmental and economic hardships. Some reforestation projects are under way. But all these will need to take hold and spread like wild fire if major changes are to take place. Reference List. [Accessed 1 march 2011] [Accessed 1 march 2011] [Accessed 2 march 2011] [Accessed 1 march 2011] [Accessed 2 march 2011] [Accessed 1 march 2011]

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Jews and Christians Essay

Islam is a monotheistic religion based upon the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. It is the second-largest religion in the world today, with an estimated 1. 4 billion adherents, known as Muslims. Islam is considered one of the second largest religions in Europe today especially in France and the United Kingdom. In regions like the Middle East, North Africa, south and central Asia, Islam is the dominant religion. The core belief of Muslims is that God revealed himself to all mankind through his Prophet Muhammad, and he gave his holy book, the Qur’an which embodies the message, teachings and traditions of the Sunnah which is considered as the basic sources of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad is regarded by Muslims as the true and final prophet of God. Islam, like Judaism and Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion. Muslims belief that God revealed his final message to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, and that message is the truth of salvation and shall hold true until the day a of resurrection, that the holy Qur’an is the infallible word of God and has the seal of the prophets. Muslims belief that the core message of Islam, which is the worship of one God, is the same message preached by the all messengers that God has sent before Muhammad. Muslims also belief that the coming of Muhammad was the cache in God’s revelation of himself to mankind, the end of all the messages of one God which has been preached since the time of Adam. Muslims see their religion as the original and the final message of God to mankind, and see Christianity and Judaism as a distortion of the original revelation of God to Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. There are several similarities that run through these three religions. Geographically, they all seem to have their origins in the Middle East. They all lay claim to the most prominent religious figures the world has ever known i. e. .Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, as their forebears. The Qur’an even acknowledges Jesus Christ as a major prophet who walked the face of this earth and had a distinct knowledge of God. Islam acknowledges the practitioners of Christianity and Judaism as the people of the letter, which is to say that they are people who have received divine scriptures. All these not withstanding, Muslims believe that the final and truthful revelation of God and the right way of worship came through the holy prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that Islam is the right way of worship, of seeking God and of attaining salvation and therefore they must seek to win more peoples unto the Allah. Like the Jews, who saw a non Israelite as a gentile, any one other non-Muslim is an infidel. They also belief that Allah appreciates it very much when you die a violent death defending the faith of Islam and that automatically grants you grace favor and salvation before the lord, Infact, you go straight to heaven which is the ultimate reward of serving God here on earth just as Christians believe. In conclusion, Islam sees itself as superior to Christianity and Judaism because they believe it’s the total revelation of God of himself unto mankind.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Novel Room Analysis

Jack's mother however has a tougher time than her son even though she was once part of this society. Because of her isolation for seven years and he birth of her son, Jack's mother struggles to readjust to her old life. Since her new life revolves around Jack her concern towards him at the beginning makes her adaptation a slower process but as she realizes his true importance in her life he becomes the reason for her sudden improvement. The birth of Jack gave his mother a purpose to live and a reason to believe that escape was still a possibility.When Jack's mother is being interviewed in front of a live audience, she explains Jack's impact on her life, â€Å"Jack was everything. I was alive again, I mattered† (Donahue, 233). After her unsuccessful attempts to escape from Old Nick's imprisonment, Jack's mother loses all of her faith and gives up on believing that she could have a regular life once again. This only changes when her son is born and she acquires a new purpose, re sponsibility in her life. Because she was the only person present in Jack's life, she had to pass on to him everything that she was capable of.This included simple things such as teaching him how to brush his teeth or how to take a bath. Jack would not have learned these things if it were not for his mother. She knows how important she is to him when she says, â€Å"l was just afraid Jack would get ill – me too, he needed me to be K† (233). This idea of being needed by someone is what Jack's mother needs to keep going and to forget the circumstances that she was living in. As a consequence of being born hidden from society, Jack grew in an imaginary world which was created by his mother.This was done to prevent Jack from dreaming of a life that he could never have and to give his mother control over things. However, this only worked until they were rescued exposing Jack to the real world. When the interviewer asks his mother if it will be easier to untie raising jack i n this new world she says it will be more difficult. She says, â€Å"Its actually harder. When our world was eleven foot square it was easier to control. Lots of things are freaking Jack right now. But I hate the way the media call him a freak, or an idiot savant, or feral, that word† (236).Jack's mother is not only worried about her son's future but she is also wondering whether this fantasy she created for her son was a great idea. This concern she has towards Jack is making her life miserable because she has not only to take care of herself but also of her son. The mother was locked up for seven ears and just like Jack she has to adapt to society once again. The way the media sees and talks about him affects her because she does not see him that way. She is afraid that he will suffer for the rest of life if this image others have of him does not change.The overwhelming pressure and responsibility Jack's mother experiences causes her to try to take her life away. When Jack returns from a trip with his uncle he notices that something is wrong, â€Å"l see Ma's pill bottles open on the table, they look mostly empty. Never more than two, that's the rule, how could they be mostly empty, where id the pills go? ‘ (249). Swallowing the extra pills is the best way Jack's mother sees to avoid having to face her problems. She knows attack's adaptation to society will not happen suddenly and for it to move forward she needs to participate.However, she does not think that she is well and ready enough to play the supportive and strong mother figure Jack needs at this moment. The way she deals with her desperation by giving up on everything and everyone around her shows her lack of maturity. If she dealt with her problems as a mature adult she would not have done what she did because at first she loud have thought about Jack instead of herself. The constant attention and questioning from the media makes her doubt whether she would be up for the challenge of taking care of Jack.When she is being interviewed, Jack's mother demonstrates how tired she is of the all the attention they have been getting lately, â€Å"I'm not a saint. Wish people would stop treating us like we're the only ones who ever lived through something terrible. â€Å"(235). Besides doubting herself there were others including family members that disbelieved in her capacity. It is clear that her insecurity is worsened by other people's pylons. When Jack's mother realizes of the mistake she is done, she decides to start from the beginning with her son.When Jack sees her mother for the first time after her incident she says, â€Å"Guess what, Jack, you and me have our own For someone who is been through a lot, the idea of living on her own with a five year old child is not an easy decision. This strength she shows is a result of her immense love for her son. The mother at this point has already realized that she needs Jack just as much as he needs her. Jack instead of making her adaptation a slower process helps his mother o see that moving on by building a new life could be the answer to all of her problems.When Jack's mother mentions to one of her counselors that Jack has been enough for her, she is told that this is a result of her becoming a mature and responsible mother (314). She is not the same woman she was before she was taken. Raising Jack is the only pride she has left and the only thing that keeps her going. Regardless all of the suffering and sacrifices, she raised a perfectly healthy child that has the potential to be successful in the future. The love Jack's mother has for her son is the major factor for err improvement, well – being.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Wacquant - From Slavery to Mass Incarceration - Critique...

From Slavery to Mass Incarceration: Necessary Extremes Of the supplementary readings provided, I found â€Å"From Slavery to Mass Incarceration† by Loà ¯c Wacquant the most intriguing. This particular article is based on â€Å"rethinking the ‘race question’ in the US† and the disproportionate institutions set apart for African Americans in the United States. The volatile beginnings of African Americans presented obvious hardships for future advancement, but Wacquant argues that they still suffer from a form of modern slavery. Wacquant introduces four â€Å"peculiar institutions† that are responsible for the â€Å"control† of African Americans throughout United States history: chattel slavery, the Jim Crow system, the ghetto, and arguably the dark ghetto†¦show more content†¦However, Wacquant brings the term â€Å"inner city† to light, breaking down its meaning: â€Å"black and poor.† Living in Chicago gives one an exemplary example of the term â€Å"inner city† mean ing â€Å"poor, black ghettos.† The references to â€Å"inner city† schools being synonymous with â€Å"poor quality† and â€Å"mostly African American† are damaging to urban terminology and creating a predetermined perspective of those who call the â€Å"inner city† home. The â€Å"hypersegregation† of the city of Chicago is a topic within itself, but the institution of segregation is, without question, existent here. In addition, â€Å"inner city† is becoming a label which implies unavoidable incarceration. â€Å"As the walls of the ghetto shook and threatened to crumble, the walls of the prison were correspondingly extended, enlarged and fortified. . .† (Wacquant 2002:52). In his account, Wacquant implies that once ghettos began to disperse, American society required a new place for African Americans to reside: prison. Reading this article, one would never know that African Americans existed outside ghettos and prisons. The concept of African Americans in suburbia or anywhere of decent living standards is ignored completely. There is no dispute over the â€Å"racially skewed mass imprisonment† (Wacquant 2002:56) of black men and women, but not only African Americans inhabit ghettos and the â€Å"inner city.† However, the â€Å"centuries-old